Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Welcome to your monthly look a Fresno culture. This week we mention some things like:
Fresno On Next Door.
Heat is coming and can you take it?
Fresno is for working not for tourists.
Band Of The Episode: Great Northern.
Bands using Fresno as a home base.
A historic Fresno burger.
Some love for Great Day!
And much more!
DOWNLOADABLE: FlowingWithFamousJune22.mp3
(Occasional cussing alert!)
Thank you for listening!
Check some links to support your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Welcome back to another exploration of Fresno culture known as Flowing With Famous!
This month we will be talking about such things as:
A full postgame on Porchfest 2022.
Fresno is buying the Tower Theatre, is it as good a thing as it appears?
Band Of The Episode: Sparklejet "Winding Up My Head"
High-Speed Rail is still a thing and might look super awesome one day.
Downtown Fresno is a thing, yes.
Why do we love the mid-range restaurants in Fresno?
Mr. Fresno is leaving Fresno.
There is a size of venue that still evades Fresno's grasp.
These and other Fresno things!
DOWNLOADABLE FILE: FlowingWithFamousMay22.mp3(a few cuss words sprinkled in)
Thank you for listening!
Check some links to support your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Welcome to April's episode of Flowing With Famous, Fresno's culture podcast. Some of the things we will talk about:
What did we think of Fresyes Fest 2022?
Downtown is the event space of Fresno.
Porchfest is here, it's gonna be cool.
Band Of The Episode: The Sleepover Disaster.
Old Downtown buildings that have been torn down.
Palm Hil.
Is Savemart Ok?
Do we care about Pearl Jam.
This and more!
DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFamousApril22.mp3(Light cussing)
Thank you for listening!
Check some links for your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Welcome back to Fresno's First Podcast, Flowing With Famous.
This month we talk about a couple of Fresno festivals happening this month, one of them happening NOW (Rogue Festival) even though we might have said another time - because we recorded earlier than usual. Anyway, SOME of the things:
The Rogue Festival is back!
Do we want any of these restaurant chains in town?
We lost Dugout Cookies.
Fresno burgers: where are the best?
Band Of The Episode: Fatty Cakes & the Puff Pastries!
Mike Oz is a Fresno gem.
Memory Map: Blackstone & Shaw.
These things and more.
DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithMarch22.mp3(Heads-up: there might be a cuss word here and there)
Check some links for your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Welcome to Fresno's monthly culture podcast, Flowing With Famous!
This month we touch on:
Bike riding in Fresno.
The Culture Arts District and the Mural District.
South Of Shaw Brewing.
Tokyo Garden returning?
Band Of The Episode: Valley Palace.
Fresyes Festival returns.
The Rogue Fest returns.
Porch Fest returns.
Fresno Skateboard Salvage.
These and other Fresno things!
Thank you for checking out the show. We really appreciate it!
DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFamousFeb22.mp3
(Some cussing in this episode)
Check some links for your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Yo! Welcome to Fresno's culture podcast, Flowing With Famous. This month we will talk about some of the best things from 2021, figure out if the Save Mart Center has a sound problem, name some Fresno districts, and much more! Please give it a listen.
DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFamousJan22.mp3
(Some cussing in this episode)
Check some links for your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
We are back with the Fresno talk. Some of the beats this month include:
The Fog Is Back.
Protect the bike lanes.
A Christmas Tree Lane Hack.
The Water Tower gets a new life.
Band Of The Episode: The Overdubs.
A coach leaves and it becomes very Fresno.
The redistricting of Fresno.
How does it feel having Benediction opening in NE Fresno?
Side note: Very sorry for the less than stellar audio this episode. The main recording dumped so we had to use our backup.
Thank you for checking us out!
DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFamousDec21.mp3(Some cussing in this episode)
Check some links for your hosts:
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Welcome to our annual Swede Fest episode with Roque and Brian!
Obviously, we will be talking about this year's Swede Fest and its venue change. We also review the Fresno Fair and the Taco Truck Throwdown, talk about cannabis shops, parking troubles at the Soroyan Theater, Firebaugh, Bitwise's impact on Fresno and beyond, movie theaters in Fresno and more!
Band Of The Episode: Stoneshiver.
DOWNLOADABLE FILE: FlowingWithFamousNov21.mp3(Heads up: A couple of cusswords)
Thanks for checking it out!
(Heads-up: a few cuss words)
Check some links for your hosts:
Thanks for being here!
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Welcome to October 2021's version of Flowing With Famous!
Since it's October, you know we have got to talk about the Fresno Fair - we definitely break it down and talk about our favorite stuff.
There is also the damn fire smoke and cost of living in California. Oh and tacos, yes tacos - we talk about that BS list and if tacos are OVER in Fresno. Josh has a Covid story and much more!
Band Of The Episode: Fashawn "This Town"
DOWNLOAD: FlowingOct21.mp3(some cussing here and there)
Thanks for checking it out!
(Heads-up: a few cuss words)
Check some links for your hosts:
Thanks for being here!
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
It feels like it's been a while but we are back with another round of Fresno culture talk and stuff. Some of the things we cover this month:
The Tower District tirelessly struggles against Adventure Church.
Hardy's gets gutted and it just sucks.
The Fresno Hotel revival.
Downtown Fresno is building up, piece by piece.
Tokyo Garden is for sale.
Fresno has a music Hall Of Fame now, who should be in it?
There is an underground Fresno music scene that you may not know about.
Band Of The Episode: Dave Stogner.
That and more! Please give it a listen!
DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFamousSep21.mp3
Thanks for checking it out!
(Heads-up: a few cuss words)
Check some links for your hosts:
Thanks for being here!
Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed. Josh at the Fresno Bee.
Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com.
Josh's bands: It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.
Mikey's new newsletter: Fresno! Fresno! and: Drinking & Thinking.
Check Mike's blogs The Fresnan and Mikey Top Pour.Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.