Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
The big thing last month was the whole Randa Jarrar thing so we feel compelled to talk about that and we do.But don't worry, we can't help but talk about Downtown Fresno and parking, after that.
We also discuss how Neil Young almost took up "residency" in Fresno and how Downtown was not prepared for it, as he gave fans an exclusive not found anywhere else in the country. Mikey gets himself in some trouble on Twitter, there are some new restaurants and bars to check out and a lot more Fresno talk! Please have a listen!
CLICK tO LISTEN: MayFamous2018.mp3
Photo: FresnoBee.com
SUPPORT US:JOSH@joshuateheefresnobee.com/josh
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
This month in Fresno culture talk, some things are said.
A complete breakdown of our Fresyes Fest experience including the controversial foodtruck issue.
The issue of paying for parking Downtown won't go away ever and we have questions.
All this and much more Fresno talk to be had lies within.
The Bee vs. Nunez is not the thing you think it is.
The drama around the "new" KKDJ.
Band Of The Episode: $atoshi.
That and much more. PLEASE have a listen.
Click To Listen: FlowingWithApril2018.mp3
SUPPORT US:JOSH@joshuateheefresnobee.com/josh
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Hey there, Fresno culture lover! Here are some things to listen for in this month's show.
We breakdown the article about how "backwater" Fresno might be becoming the next Austin.
Also, we try to decide if a brewery at Herndon & 99 is a good thing, figure out if we should be seeing more action on Fulton Street, wonder if we have enough money to buy a Downtown theater, discuss what beer Tioga Sequoia should be released for Fresyes Fest, and much more Fresno talk!
CLICK: MarchFlowing2018.mp31:08:07 | 31.1MB | Some Language
SUPPORT US:JOSH@joshuateheefresnobee.com/josh
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
On this episode, we are going to deep dive into the Grizzly Fest being held at Woodward Park. Does it belong there? Is it good for Fresno? These kinds of questions are asked.
Some other topics, Herb Bauer is closing and it sucks, something is coming to take away your view of the Security Bank Building, the Queens of the Stone Age show was awesome but it exposed a Fresno weakness, were we fed a lie about Fulton Street, and much more!
All the Fresno talk, is here: FlowingWithFeb18.mp336.7MB | 1:20:36 | Some Bad Language
BAND OF THE EPISODE: The Morning Drive.
SUPPORT US:JOSH@joshuateheefresnobee.com/josh
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
It is all a little bit fuzzy now, but things definitely happened in Fresno last year, right? Sure, there was definitely that whole Fulton Mall thing and the City Council said some dumb stuff... that can't be all though... well, listen in and see what we remember.
CLICK: FlowingWithFamousJanurary2018.mp3
BAND OF THE EPISODE: The Dangit Bobbys
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
It's December in Fresno and we here at Flowing have questions.
Do you shop at Fashion Fair for Christmas?
Do you even go North of Clinton?
Parades? Do You go to Fresno Christmas parades?
Do you go down Christmas Tree Lane?
Have you been to HOP PK yet?
Did you see the Foo Fighters at Save Mart?
Should Fresno have a Music Hall Of Fame?
Is Fresno making the right move with Amazon?
These questions and many more Fresno things will be answered in this episode.
Band Of The Episode: Meet Me In Montauk.
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: FlowingWithFresnoDecember.mp3Heads up!: Occasional cuss word.
Thank you for listening!
Check out Josh at FresnoBeehive.com and @joshuatehee.Check out Mike at TheFresnan.com and @thefresnan.
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
We have been waiting a couple weeks but now is our time to talk about the Fulton Street party. Lucky for us we have Roque Rodrigez and Bryan Harley from Swede Fest, to help us. What is the future of Fulton and what the hell happened during the opening?!
There will also be a big discussion about the Tower District, where it's headed, what it's doing now. Getting local coffee is easier than ever. Plus, filmmaking in Fresno, Fresno Film Festival and will Fresno ever get a multiplex Downtown, all this and more Fresno.
Band Of The Episode: The Miss Alans.
Thanks for listening!
CLICK TO LISTEN: November2017Flowing.mp3
(Or just use the player at the bottom of the post)
Check out what Mike and Josh does.
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
We've been at this a while. Talking about the Fulton Mall on Flowing With Famous. Like, a decade or something. This is the last talk about the Fulton Mall. It is Fulton Street forevermore and we are going to get our last takes in.
Speaking of Fulton, the most prominent business on Fulton, Tokyo Garden, is about to go through a major change and this needs to be addressed.
We are also going to wedge in more Fresno talk. There too many taco events in Fresno, skaters on Fulton, we talk with the Spanspek boys one last time, why the heck is Sheriff Joe in town, local Fresno landlords charging too much, and much more Fresnoing.
Band Of The Episode, Sagey.
Click to listen!: FlowingWithFamousOct2017.mp334.7MB | 1:15:59 | Fowl Language
Check out what Mike and Josh does.Subscribe to Flowing in iTunes.
Monday Sep 04, 2017
Monday Sep 04, 2017
Fresno! Let's keep calm. The heat will end. The fires will be put out. The sky will soon be less orange.
While we wait for that, let's talk about the firestorm that followed a Clovis girl moving to a loft in Downtown Fresno. Followed by a Fresno City Council acting like mom is not in the room, during meetings. We also cover some Fresno places we miss, Fresno's homeless "problem", wonder if we should care that Granville Homes is running a news website, play some new stuff from Patrick Contreras and a lot more Fresnooooo!
Thanks for listening!
CLICK!: FlowingWithSeptember2017.mp334.6 MB | 1:15:42 | Some Bad language
Check out what Mike and Josh does.Subscribe to Flowing in iTunes.
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
We said we wanted to figure it out. Figure out how to make Fresno cool. We will work on this today and maybe you can help. Let's explore the options Fresno has to make itself "cool" and move on.
We will also talk about: Fresno's new bridge, the opening date for Fulton Street, how bad some of our city leaders make Fresno look and fighting for control of Fresno's soul.
Our Band Of The Episode is Haunt.
Thanks for being here!
Click to listen: FlowingWithFamousAugust.mp330.0MB | 1:05:42 | Some Bad Language
Make sure to check out what Josh is doing and what Mike is doing.
*Picture by Andrew Vargas